Homeless? Visit our daily locations or Call The Homeless Helpline: (954) 563-4357
The TaskForce Fore Ending Homelessness serves as the CoC Lead Agency and Collaborative Applicant for the North Central Florida Continuum of Care (FL-508). As the entity designated by HUD and DCF for local coordination, we are responsible for ensuring every community member has a pathway to permanent housing through a comprehensive continuum of housing services, ranging from outreach and emergency shelter to permanent housing and prevention models. To achieve this, we collaborate and fund a number of partners to create practical solutions that identify and overcome barriers to obtaining and maintaining housing.
To promote the effectiveness of the homeless response system, we offer community-wide planning and coordination among service providers. Our responsibilities include strategic planning, community engagement, grants and funding, data management, training and education, monitoring, evaluation, performance, and advocacy. Together, we develop innovative solutions and foster collaboration to end homelessness in the community.
All Continuum of Care information can be found on
Support our community members so they can thrive and achieve their goals
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© 2024 All Rights Reserved | TaskForce Fore Ending Homelessness, a US 501 (c)(3) public charity, EIN 41-2110971.
TaskForce Fore Ending Homelessness is registered in Florida, Solicitation License CH30913.